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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where do you search for ancestors name change, don't remember what original

Question:Gr.Gramdpa came from Czech. in the 1880's, and changed last name. We have found no paperwork.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Gr.Gramdpa came from Czech. in the 1880's, and changed last name. We have found no paperwork.

It's unlikely he did a legal name change. It just wasn't necessary to have the name identical on all documents in the pre-income tax and social security days.

I would try all area churches that he or his family/friends may have attended. Quite often, church records will include a note referencing the name given at Baptism vs the current name, when public records do not.

If he was in a small town, track down the archives for the local newspapers. They were the primary means to spread everyday social news so a lot of information is in them that we wouldn't consider news, like "Mrs. Smith's daughter. Mrs. Jones, is visiting until next Tuesday and welcomes all callers." And now we known Mrs. Smith's daughter's married name.