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Position:Home>Genealogy> What will our childre look like?

Question:I am 5'9 strawberry blonde hair green eyes, fair complected (with some color to me) i have thick hair long eyelashes and big eyes and full lips, my hubby has verrrrrrrrrry blue eyes , toe head blonde hair 5'11 looks just like eminem, as a matter a fact if they were to stand side by side you couldn't tell them apart other than the fact that my babys nose insnt so pointy and his lips are fuller than eminems.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 5'9 strawberry blonde hair green eyes, fair complected (with some color to me) i have thick hair long eyelashes and big eyes and full lips, my hubby has verrrrrrrrrry blue eyes , toe head blonde hair 5'11 looks just like eminem, as a matter a fact if they were to stand side by side you couldn't tell them apart other than the fact that my babys nose insnt so pointy and his lips are fuller than eminems.

They will look like your children.

Hmmm!! I guess I never thought about hat

No one can do that. One child might have your eyes and your husband's nose and mouth and the other child have your husband's nose and mouth and your eyes.

Also you both have recessive genes. The genes you carry have traits for appearances, health and personality that you might not possess yourself. They can show up in your children.

My older sister looked more like my mother's youngest sister than she did either one of my parents.

I have shrunk in my old age but I topped out at 5 ft 6-1/4/ inches my younger sister is only 5 ft 2. I was born with red hair and I have a skin cancer type complexion with blue eyes. My younger sister has brown eyes and tans very well. People at first glance would not think we are sisters. However, we both have the same facial shape. We have our paternal grandmother's nose and our mother's mouth and chin.

You have genes that don't show up in you that you got from your parents, grandparents etc. They are called recessive genes.

I have the Tay Sachs gene. Now if I ever had Tay Sachs I wouldn't be alive today. However, if I married someone else with the Tay Sachs gene we could have produced a Tay Sachs child very easily.

A person who is epilectic who marries someone with no epilectsy in their family has less chance of having an epileptic child than 2 people who carry the gene.

All of this has to do with genetics rather than genealogy. Genealogy is tracing family history.

Anybody who can tell you in advance what your children will look like are conning you.

Your child will probably be a bit taller than normal, have blond hair and green or blue eyes. Blond hair and blue eyes are both recessive, and it sounds like you both have them.

Beyond that, no one can tell.

Let me consult my magic 8-ball.