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Question:I am a mixture, German, Indian, Pennsylvania Dutch

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a mixture, German, Indian, Pennsylvania Dutch

french,dutch,scotch & english ! i'm a

Well, when I was born I was "Yugoslavian" but now I'm Croatian, Slovenian, and a bit of Dalmatian (the countries separated from Yugoslavia when I was young).

Argentinian by nationality; Italian, Lebanese, Spanish and French by heritage.

English, Irish, tiny speck of Japenese, Native American, and some Welsh.

my nationality is American

My heritage, though, is not.. I am Italian, Irish, and Native American.. (the actual tribe is Black Foot)

Interesting, huh?

What does that tell you about me?

Guess what...we may be related. I am half Italian, and half PA Dutch (German) and Welsh! Born & raised in PA, too.

I'm Slovak, parts English and Russian as well.

A whole lot of English and Welsh (traced our lineage back to William the Conqueror and both sides of my mothers parents families came from Yorkshire County), A tid bit of French and Irish, Dutch ( we think) on my dads side, Cherokee ( a whole lot of that), and who knows what else.

my heritage is mostly Irish with a bit of German and a smidgeon of Slovak

A little French, a little Irish. Is that a good combination?

Dear, a person's nationality is just one thing unless they have dual citizenship. It is the country of which they are a citizen. However, I see you are a citizen of Germany and India. How can you be a citizen of Pennsylvania?

I had ancestors in this country before the Mayflower. The settlement at Jamestown Virginia preceded the settlement at Plymouth Rock by 13 years. I had at least one ancestor that was on the 2nd supply to Jamestown in 1608. Also, I understand that some of my ancestors crossed an ice bridge from East Asia thousands of years ago and were here to greet all the newcomers from Europe, whether they were Vikings, English, Spanish or French and even St. Brendan.

Still a person who is naturiallized today nationallity is just as American as mine is.

I have heard people who were born in this country and even their parents and grandparents were born in this country, say my nationality is Italian, Irish, German, Polish, Scottish or whatever They are stupid.

Now your ethnic heritage might be varied.

In the South following the English, came the Scots, ScotchIrish, French Huguenots, and people from one of the German states. My maternal grandmother who was born in 1873 was a blend of all those things. She married my grandfather in 1899 whose ethcnic background was Polish, Polish Jew, German and American Indian.

My father's ethnic background was Irish, orange and green.

My nationality is nothing but American. In my ethnic heritage, I am a Pedigree American Mutt.

My nationality is American.

All American Mutt...
With some Italian, German, Dutch, Syrian, English, Irish, & Turkish. I'm sure there are more too...

11/16 (22/32) English, 3/32 Irish, 1/32 German, 3/16 (6/32)Scottish.

You wouldn't happen to live in PA or southern NY...

My dad is from New England...where much of the French are so I'm French

and my mom is from Southern NY so I'm German, Iraquois Indian, and Pennsylavania Dutch too!

-Pennsylvanian Dutch

Oh and Shirley... all Native Americans crossed the bridge that connected Alaska and Russia so we are too.