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Position:Home>Genealogy> Who was Steve Brodie?

Question:There are four famous ones in the USA. There may be more in Australia and the UK.

will give you four options. One is an actor, one claimed to have jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886. The other two played baseball and football. They don't mention the guy I went to high school with. He is an accountant now. Did you want someone to do your taxes, in Stanislaus County?

With a decade and a continent, we could help you. Without, we can't.

All of the questions in English go into one big pot, no matter what country they come from; USA, UK, Australa, NZ, France . . . This lumping causes more confusion than any other aspect of Y!A. We can't tell where you are asking from.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are four famous ones in the USA. There may be more in Australia and the UK.

will give you four options. One is an actor, one claimed to have jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886. The other two played baseball and football. They don't mention the guy I went to high school with. He is an accountant now. Did you want someone to do your taxes, in Stanislaus County?

With a decade and a continent, we could help you. Without, we can't.

All of the questions in English go into one big pot, no matter what country they come from; USA, UK, Australa, NZ, France . . . This lumping causes more confusion than any other aspect of Y!A. We can't tell where you are asking from.

If this is who you mean then he's an actor,
hope this helps.

Didn't he jump off some bridge in NYC a long time ago?