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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the origin of the Last name Saeed?

Question:I think it's Arabic or Persian

If your last name is German, for example, does that mean your ancestors are German and therefore you are part German?

If Saeed is Arabic (or Persian...which ever one it may be) does that mean I'm part Arabic and Punjabi (<--an ethinc group in Pakistan)? My parents and grandparents (and I'm pretty sure great grandparents are Punjabi (or atleast from South Asia).....oh and my mom's maiden name is of Arabic origin

Thanks for helping

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it's Arabic or Persian

If your last name is German, for example, does that mean your ancestors are German and therefore you are part German?

If Saeed is Arabic (or Persian...which ever one it may be) does that mean I'm part Arabic and Punjabi (<--an ethinc group in Pakistan)? My parents and grandparents (and I'm pretty sure great grandparents are Punjabi (or atleast from South Asia).....oh and my mom's maiden name is of Arabic origin

Thanks for helping

Muslim: from a personal name based on the Arabic adjective sa?id ‘lucky’, ‘fortunate’. Compare Saad.
Hope this is what you wanted.