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Position:Home>Genealogy> What shows up on census records?

Question:If you are searching for someone on the census records, what can you find out about them? Their name, date of birth, when they got married, when they got divorced? What else?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you are searching for someone on the census records, what can you find out about them? Their name, date of birth, when they got married, when they got divorced? What else?

You can find a summary of what's in each of the US Federal censuses from 1790-1930 here:

Different questions were asked in each of the census years so the information you can find about a person will vary for each census year.

you also see year they immigrated to the us, able to read and write. Mother Tongue, place of birth. Renter or own of home Profession, Industry, Veterans in the 1930 radio set in home. Mother & father place of birth and language spoken Attened school. if you go to they have blank census forms just print them out and you can see all of the question they asked.

There is more than one type of census.In the US there is federal and also state and even some local census.Depending on what you are looking for, you can find occupation,property ownership,race,number of children born,number of children living,disability(blind,deaf,idiot).The 1930 federal census even tells if the household owned a radio!It is an interesting area of study.