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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the meaning of the name Kathleen?

Question:Kathleen is the anglicised form of the Irish name Caitlin which should traditionally be pronounced Kathleen or katleen, not kate-lin as it is now.

Caitlin is an Irish form of Katherine which is of debated origin. Most say it means 'pure' but actually the name was originally Aikaterine which was altered to the spelling Katherine due to people mistakenly associating it with the Greek Katharos 'pure'. More info here:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Kathleen is the anglicised form of the Irish name Caitlin which should traditionally be pronounced Kathleen or katleen, not kate-lin as it is now.

Caitlin is an Irish form of Katherine which is of debated origin. Most say it means 'pure' but actually the name was originally Aikaterine which was altered to the spelling Katherine due to people mistakenly associating it with the Greek Katharos 'pure'. More info here:

This is all has to say about the name.
Irish and English: Anglicized form of Gaelic CaitlĂ­n. Variant: Cathleen.
Hope this helps.

Pure and its origin is Greek