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Position:Home>Genealogy> Hey can someone make a family pedigree for me with this information?

Question:Michaela Odone - carries ALD

Augusto Odone - non-carrying male

Lorenzo - male, suffers from ALD

Michaela's un-named sister - carrier, but both children are girls

Diedra - carrier - no kids

Maria (Michaela's third sister) - not a carrier

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Michaela Odone - carries ALD

Augusto Odone - non-carrying male

Lorenzo - male, suffers from ALD

Michaela's un-named sister - carrier, but both children are girls

Diedra - carrier - no kids

Maria (Michaela's third sister) - not a carrier

In a word No, more information would be needed.

You seem to be confusing a family pedigree with medical history or genetics.
A pedigree has to do with tracing ancestry (or relatives).