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Position:Home>Genealogy> Helms Name?

Question:Is the name "Helms" Scottish or Irish?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is the name "Helms" Scottish or Irish?

So far, you have 'votes' for 3 different 'origins'. The reason for that is that names DON'T have just one place that they come from, they can have many. Just as everyone with the same last name is NOT related.
The right answer is not where the name comes from, but where YOUR ancestor comes from. He/she could be born anywhere, and (if you research your ancestors), you even might find out that he/she was adopted and isn't actually a Helms at all.
You might not be interested in accurately tracing your ancestors, which is fine. However, it is the only way you will know for certain what your ancestry really is.

According to Wikipedia, Helms, is a German last name.


This is what has to say about the name,
English: variant of Helm 1.
North German and Dutch: patronymic from Helm 2-3.
Dictionary of American
hope this helps.