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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where was Rita Hayworth's family originally from?

Question:I know she was born in New York, but i wanted to know like what other country her family was from. (Cuba, Spain????)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know she was born in New York, but i wanted to know like what other country her family was from. (Cuba, Spain????)

Her father was Spanish , her mother English/Irish American

Margarita Carmen Cansino, better known as Rita Hayworth, was born in Brooklyn, New York, the daughter of Spanish flamenco dancer Eduardo Cansino (Sr.) and English/Irish-American Ziegfeld girl Volga Hayworth.

Hayworth was on stage by the age of six as a member of The Cansinos, a famous family of Roma Gitano Spanish dancers working in vaudeville. Also, her father had performed in a dancing duo with his sister, and later revived the duo with his daughter Rita as his dancing partner, performing in nightclubs in California and the Foreign Club in Tijuana, Mexico. At age sixteen, she attracted the attention of film producers as part of "The Dancing Cansinos" and was signed by Fox Studios in 1935.

Her father was Spanish (born in Spain) and her mother was English/Irish-American.