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Question:Is there a website that shows origin of where your last name come from? I don't need an ancestry sight.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is there a website that shows origin of where your last name come from? I don't need an ancestry sight.

Ancestry.Com has origins and meanings of surname. Now whether they are all the origins and meanings, I don't know if any of us can say. The same surname can come from more than one national origin and not everyone with the same surname is necessarily related or shares ancestors even those of the same national origin.

See the link below from the most prestigious genealogical society in the U. S.

The best way for a person to know their heritage is to trace their family, starting with themselves and working back. Surnames in themselves are not the most important thing when people are working their family tree.

If it is English, Irish, Scottish and such and has a crest, there are web sites that sell the family crest, but also tell you the origin and meaning of your name. Just Google it and see what comes up.

Have a look at this from it will tell you all sorts of facts about your name, not just the origin, I know that you said you didn't want a genealogy site but this is free to use.
This link is a free site to use as well, but they are trying to sell 'Coats of Arms'.
Hope this helps you.

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