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Question:my last name is vialetti but what does it mean in italian? the only thing i know is that is very rare to have that name!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my last name is vialetti but what does it mean in italian? the only thing i know is that is very rare to have that name!

via means road and letti means read so your name mean read the road.....

I can't find anything about the origin, but "vialetti" in Italian literally means "small streets, paths, walks" (plural); in Italy there a little more Vialetto (singular).

It is pretty rare in the US, too. These are the only immigration records of people from Italy with that name or a close variant.

Name of Passenger Residence Arrived Age on Arrival Passenger Record Ship Manifest Ship Image
1. Elisabetta Vialetta Tiriola, Italy 1913 24
2. Maria Vialetta Tiriola, Italy 1913 2
3. Jean Vialette 1924 33
4. Jean Vialette 1924 33
5. Jean Vialette 1924 33
6. Jules Vialette New York, N.Y. 1908 20 7. Marius Vialette 1920 27
8. Virginie Vialette 1895 29
9. Virginie Vialette NYC, USA 1909 46
10. Maria Vialetti Cervino, Caserta 1907 22

By contrast, if the name is slight variation of ViOletti, then there were 27 immigrants with that spelling. Here's a link to the Ellis Island website if you want to play with it more. The "subscription" is free, so you can play with it for hours to find out more information.