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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where would you find a black widow?

Question:Up in the mountains!

My sister went camping once up in Northern California and a black widow crawl in her backpack. The black widow traveled with her back home and decided to crawl out at my Mom's house. Eventually, the black widow made it to my brother's room and got him in the leg. As a result of that, my brother got really really sick and NEARLY died. He was given a special shot, which resulted in his heart stopping for a few seconds. He had to have his heart pumped (not sure if that is what it is called). Luckily, he was revived. But it was scary! My brother is a big strong guy and the black widow pretty much knock'd him out. Good thing it did not get a kid, or parents.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Up in the mountains!

My sister went camping once up in Northern California and a black widow crawl in her backpack. The black widow traveled with her back home and decided to crawl out at my Mom's house. Eventually, the black widow made it to my brother's room and got him in the leg. As a result of that, my brother got really really sick and NEARLY died. He was given a special shot, which resulted in his heart stopping for a few seconds. He had to have his heart pumped (not sure if that is what it is called). Luckily, he was revived. But it was scary! My brother is a big strong guy and the black widow pretty much knock'd him out. Good thing it did not get a kid, or parents.

a spider? why? it will probably bite you and that won't turn out well

i am sure you can only find the black widow spider in australia, black widow because thay eat the male as soon as they have mated!

They like to build their webs in quiet, out of the way places. And a black widow's web is not pretty and symmetrical like so many spiders. Just be careful the black widow doesn't find you first.

in wood. dark areas. you can find them in dirt piles. under steps. under the house. like i said they are pretty harmless if you don't go in their areas. even if you dig one up. when i was a kid we'd always find them in the dirt near diry piles..we grew up in the foothills. so they'd always be around but never was bitten because they aren't agressive. you'll find them most in fallen trees or under the steps and house. I used to find them all the time in pots that had not been moves in a long time.

I would imagine the zoo or a pet shop.

Or did you mean in a native habitat?

If so, check the Internet to learn this.


Think you need a pet shop here.

The black widow spider (Latrodectus spp.) is a spider notorious for its neurotoxic venom. It is a large widow spider found throughout the world and commonly associated with urban habitats or agricultural areas. Although the name 'black widow spider' is most commonly used to refer to the three North American species best known for their dark coloration, black hair and red hourglass pattern, occasionally it is applied to several other members of a the Latrodectus (widow spider) genus in which there are 31 recognized species including the Australian red-back, brown widow spider (sometimes called the gray widow), and the red widow spider. In South Africa, widow spiders are also known as the button spiders.

Why would you WANT to find one of those things ?????

i know lots of white widows and only one black one

at a jamacian funeral!

In Northern California, under piles of wood, in quiet corners of barns, on the underside of all sorts of things.

We have one of those 90-gallon garbage cans with wheels, made out of plastic, that the garbage truck picks up with a claw. There are indentations in the can about an inch deep at the spot its cross-section changes from a square to a circle. I find them there every once in a while.

Our church had one of those heavy plastic play houses in the back yard for years. It was unused six days a week. I could find one in it, on the underside of the roof peak, 3 Sundays out of 4.

We sometimes get them under the eaves. I can find them in a sort of closet built onto the side of our barn, where we keep tools we don't use every day, almost every time I open it.

All this assumes the spider. If you are looking for African-American ladies whose husbands have died, join a church with a lot of A-A members and volunteer for a committee.

At the funeral of her Black husband.

Black widows are found all over the place. They are here in Tennessee. Killed one this summer after it made it's way into my house.