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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can i go to find synonyms???

Question:To a thesaurus.

Hope that helps!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To a thesaurus.

Hope that helps!

I think your question as come through to the wrong forum this is genealogy, you may want to re-direct it to books and authors ? sorry I cant help at all with this one.

Well, I wouldn't go to the Genealogy section on Yahoo Answers, given that Genealogy involves researching your dead ancestors.

Instead, I'd recommend going here:


All Categories -> Education and Reference -> Homework help

You can probably find some there.

Try ROGET'S THESAURUS. It is the best book to own , next to a dictionary. It gives not only synonyms, but antonyms, in single words and in phrases. I have used one since high school.