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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I check if my ancestor is on the dawes roll?

Question:i know im cherokee and apache indian alot of each but im not sure how to acheive a copy or whatever of the dawes roll ensuring my entrance in the tribe...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i know im cherokee and apache indian alot of each but im not sure how to acheive a copy or whatever of the dawes roll ensuring my entrance in the tribe...

Once you find your ancestor on the Dawes Roll you can go to the tribal office and see what has been submitted on this person.

There are no guarantees that you will be admitted to the tribe. The don't admit everyone so don't get disappointed. They will tell you what documents you need to file and then they will decide.

If your ancestor is not on the dawes then its not likely that you will be accepted.

In other words its tough to get accepted to the tribe whether you have all the documentation or not.

Good luck

Just did a quick google search on "Dawes roll online" and came up with

There are probably many the google search yourself and examine the hundreds of hits.