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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone of u has a name..ALEXANDRA?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ALEXANDRA

Why do you want to know? My name is Alexandra. I am called Alexa and Lexi.

my first cousin is Alexandria Quintanar, Olympic athlete.

My daughter's middle name is Alexandra.

My friend has a little girl by that name they shorten it to 'Lexi' which I don't like, I give her her full name.Heres what the name means,
Latinate feminine form of Alexander. It was very little used in the English-speaking world before the 20th century, when it was brought in from Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. It owes its sudden rise in popularity in Britain at the end of the 19th century to Queen Alexandra, Danish wife of Edward VII. Derivatives: Italian: Alessandra. Spanish: Alejandra. Russian: Aleksandra.

Short forms: English: Alex, Alexa; Sandra.

Pet forms: English, Scottish: Sandy; Lexy. Russian: Sasha, Sanya, Shura.

Hope this helps.

Well there is an Alexander in my family! Why do you ask?

There are 83 people in the UK on my copy of the Electoral Roll (approx 3 years old) who have the surname "Alexandra"