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Position:Home>Genealogy> What do you think about the name Connie?

Question:i think its a really cute name:Dis tht ur name or a relatives...??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i think its a really cute name:Dis tht ur name or a relatives...??

It is short for either Constance (a girl) or Conrad (a boy). I like it.

Connie is a cute name. It's also the name of the first girl I kissed in elementary school.

Augh. Reminds me of an evil bus driver I had in elementary school who never cleaned her bus. That and ex-con.

Well, I like it as a nickname but not as a given name. The reason for this is that Connie is what is known as a "diminutive" or shortening of a proper name. In this case, it is short for "Constance" (which, as you can guess, means to be constant, loyal). If a child is named Constance, she can choose to be either Constance or Connie. However, a Connie is only a Connie--no choice.

It's best to name kids the fuller, traditional name to give them the choice. My grandmother was the daughter of immigrants who thought they were giving her a very American name when they baptized her "Sadie." They didn't know this was the diminutive of Sarah. Had they named her Sarah (she wished they had), she could have used "Sarah" as her professional name (she was a teacher) and saved "Sadie" for the nickname used by people who knew her well and cared for her.

By giving the child the full, formal name (Mathew instead of just Matt) parents are reserving (for the child) the right to choose later in life. I once went to a business conference in which a panel of CEOs said they didn't take seriously men who used diminutive names professionally (Donny instead of Donald, etc.). I think that is a silly prejudice--what if the parents were to blame and not the guy interviewing for the job? Still, if parents choose the full name, the child can have it either way, depending on the situation.