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Question:What would be the situation with respect to someone at the time of the census possibly being in hospital. Would someone in that situation be on the 'census strays'. Could anyone please explain the 'census strays'. Thanks in advance...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What would be the situation with respect to someone at the time of the census possibly being in hospital. Would someone in that situation be on the 'census strays'. Could anyone please explain the 'census strays'. Thanks in advance...

They would be recorded on the census form for the hospital and it would be noted as to why they were there, ie, doctor, nurse, patient that sort of thing. With prisons and workhouses it would be the same sort of thing, only they were called in -mates.
Hope this helps.

you'll notice from the list below that the census dates in the UK are different to the states, it was always taken on a Sunday though,
1801 10th March Little use for Genealogy
1811 27th May Little use for Genealogy
1821 28th May Little use for Genealogy
1831 30th May Little use for Genealogy
1939 29th Sept For issue of ID cards - except service personnel.
1841 6th June Available
1851 30th March Available
1861 7th April Available
1871 2nd April Available
1881 3rd April Available
1891 5th April Available
1901 31st March Available
1911 2nd April Not yet released
1921 19th June Not yet released
1931 26th April Destroyed by fire in WWII
1941 -- No census due to WWII
1951 8th April Not yet released
1961 23rd April Not yet released
1971 25th April Not yet released
1981 5th April Not yet released
1991 21st April Not yet released
2001 29th April Not yet released

I have seen census pages from institutions; orphanages, work houses, mental hospitals, TB sanatariums. If the person was in an institution for a long time (and I have no idea of how long) they would be there as "Inmate". If they were there for a week or two they'd be recorded at their home, usually. They were supposed to record people as if they were at their normal home on June 1, of the census year. Usually they did. I have seen several cases where someone is recorded twice. One was a lady visiting her mother just after her father died. She was recorded in the mother's household in Vermont and with her husband in Chicago. I suspect she was in Vermont when the enumerator came around to her Chicago home, and her husband told him she normally lived there.

In doing research on my family tree I found in the 1910 census that my grandfather, age 12, was in jail...probably for stealing an apple or a potato!... anyhow, it was a facility that had about 65 kids aged 5-15. My grandfather was listed on the census for the facility but not the "home" census.
Hope this helps.