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Position:Home>Genealogy> -Changing my middle name??????- easy 10 points???

Question:Hey my name is kate. i want to Leagally change my middle name to savannah. curentlly my middle name is "stewart" i was given that name because of my great granmothers LAST name. i am very embarassed of having a "boys" middle name. i really want to change it at around christmas time. i live in florida so how much would the cost be and what are some of the questions the judge will have to ask me. Also what are the procedures? best answer goes to the person who helps me out the most with -kindness-. ok thank you! =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hey my name is kate. i want to Leagally change my middle name to savannah. curentlly my middle name is "stewart" i was given that name because of my great granmothers LAST name. i am very embarassed of having a "boys" middle name. i really want to change it at around christmas time. i live in florida so how much would the cost be and what are some of the questions the judge will have to ask me. Also what are the procedures? best answer goes to the person who helps me out the most with -kindness-. ok thank you! =]

It is your identity, to do with as you wish. Here is a suggestion. Add Savannah to your name and keep Stewart. Wait hold on, this helps you along without smacking at a "Family Honored" name. In some States an Official name changes can cost about $500.00. Katerine Savannah Stewart (your last name). Look up that side of your family MAYBE you will like what you read. ALL IN ALL, IT IS YOUR CHOICE!!!!!

I think you should do it , it's beautiful, why did your people give ya that name.
sorry just read how you got the name now I understand really sorry pet.

I'm sorry, but Kate Savannah just doesn't sound right. I would think of something else, but in the mean time, it's actually kinda of a pain to get your name changed. Why not wait until you are ready to get married and you can legally change your name to whatever you want, for free, no hassle, no judge, nothing, just a signature and a notarized seal, and bam, you're name is officially changed. Sound good Stewie?

I think that you should be proud of your name just the way it is. Not that Savannah isnt a beautiful name. Your parents gave you your name for a reason and it makes you unique.

I don't believe a minor is going to be allowed to do this, since it involves a petition to the court.
By the time you are 18, you might be mature enough to understand that it is NOT a boy's name, but in honor of a family member. No unkindness meant to you... you might think of the unkindness towards your parents. Savannah sounds so plastic to me.
I'd rather be honest, than have 10 points. Sorry.

If I were in your place, I would keep the middle name. I think it's really great that part of your name is a legacy of a past member of your family, your great-grandmother. Having part of her name in your name keeps her memory and legacy alive, I think it's great. Plus, you have no reason to be embarrassed - just be comfortable with yourself, your middle name shouldn't cause you any embarrassment. If anyone judges you or makes fun of you for it, it's their problem, not yours.

I wouldn't change it. You were given the name to honor your great grandmother. When I was a teenager, I wanted to change my name totally. I hated it. Most people couldn't say it. But, once I got older it didn't bother me.

If you want to be known as Savannah, that's fine. Call it a nickname. Squeeze it in between your first and middle if you like. But, I wouldn't change it. Enjoy your heritage.

In addition to all the responses here, it is really a pain in the you-know-what to change a name, even if it is because you got married. Just by getting married, I had to change my name on all my accounts, at my job, all my legal documents, including driver's license and social security card. It is a pain in the butt.

My husband actually legally changed his name (we also live in Florida). It cost him $94. He had to. His birth name was one thing, but for his entire life, he was called another name. It became quite an issue with his bank, his job, his credit cards, etc., after Sept. 11 twin towers incident because of increased security and identity theft issues. He changed it to what he was always called since no one even knew him by his birth name. It was a pain and he still has to show documented proof that he changed it when something with his old name shows up.

I don't know how the american thing works as far as changing a name or all of it. I just think you have a pretty name with your first two names and I think you should be ruled by your heart not other peoples opinions, Savannah is a very pretty feminine name. You aren't dissing your grandma by changing your name, in fact I bet she would say you should have called Kate Savannah, she's too girlie for a boys name, get your self the best christmas present you can. Anew name.

I grew up in a small town called Savannah--wouldn't ever use that as my middle name!!!!! My first and middle names are both my Grandpa's names--and I'm a girl--and I sign them both proudly, my niece carries her Grandpa's last name as her middle name proudly (and it is a very obvious last name!!) Names are passed down to honor those before us and you're very fortunate that you were chosen to carry the name. I hated my name when I was young--it was a boy's name---now it's unique and I love it!

Actually , I would stick with Katherine Stewart Kelly , sounds as unique as YOU are.....Why mess with perfection ?