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Position:Home>Genealogy> The last name "beck"?

Question:is that a korean last name?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is that a korean last name?

(OriginEnglish: topographic name for someone who lived beside a stream, from northern Middle English bekke ‘stream’ (Old Norse bekkr).
English (of Norman origin): habitational name from any of various places in northern France, for example Bec Hellouin in Eure, named with Old Norman French bec ‘stream’, from the same Old Norse root as in 1.

Anglo-Saxon) Locality. From becc, a brook

no, it's German.

It could be, who knows... I do know a family with the last name Beck, and they are Swedish in ancestry...

Theres a person that goes to my school that is caucasion thats last name is Beck. Some of her ancestors or grandparents might be korean though. But I doubt it, this girl is too pale.

Anglo-Saxon or Germanic

Any person of Korean ancestry, whose father happens to be named Beck (not of Korean ancestry) could have the name. That would make the person of Korean heritage...
It is important to know that surnames or persons are two different things, and a name is not indicative of a person.