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Position:Home>Genealogy> How to find Native roots?

Question:Hi ... I am wondering ways to find out if I have any Native/Aboriginal Canadian roots .... I am thinking genetics testing, research, etc.

I read a website years ago about some indicators of Native roots, but haven't been able to relocate that website.

Does anyone have any information?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi ... I am wondering ways to find out if I have any Native/Aboriginal Canadian roots .... I am thinking genetics testing, research, etc.

I read a website years ago about some indicators of Native roots, but haven't been able to relocate that website.

Does anyone have any information? <Go there. This is a DNA testing site, with other info too. But I highly recommend having your DNA tested at the 25 marker level, at least. But 25 is sufficient.

I did it and it put me into contact with blood relatives, three of whom are actually very good geneologists happy to share their info with me! So now I know just as much as anyone can about my family history, at least in a few directions. There's no end to how much you can know! I was amazed at how just getting my DNA done would help me. It's in the contacts with other people that will help you find out more than if you just go it alone.

That website handles Native American people, along with basically any race in the world.

One thing you will need to consider is this. If you are looking for your father's line, then you will have to get him or a brother of yours to have the test done. If you are looking up your Mom's side, then you can do the test yourself. That's just the way the DNA is passed on. My distant cousin geneologist got her brother's DNA test done to find out about her DNA matches, since she knew that she is obviously related to everyone her brother is related to.

I actually did a "maternal DNA" test too, since my Mom's DNA is passed on to me, but I can't pass it on further. But that doesn't matter when looking into the past. But the same apparently isn't true for a daughter. A father doesn't pass his DNA down to his daughter. I mean this only in the sense of finding blood relatives and not in the sense of other DNA things like blue eyes and such.

I hope this helps. The cost for a 25 marker paternal DNA test is around 149 dollars now, I think. Down from the 169 I paid about 2 years ago.

I would go to i think or sign upo its nt that much find out ur family and ask questions old photographs me and my mom do that ive found out alot or go walk around at cemetaries look for family that has died you can birhtdates and death dates last names but som may be hard to see cuz their old headstones so you want to take paperr and a crayon and scribble over it and it helps to show wat it says if its an old one