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Position:Home>Genealogy> Birth mother?

Question:How can I find my birth mother online without having to pay?I know her name is Annie hackney, but I don’t know how old she is, where she is from, what state, or anything like that. I jut know that she had a daughter (me) 15 years ago, who she put up for adoption. So is it possible to loacate her???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can I find my birth mother online without having to pay?I know her name is Annie hackney, but I don’t know how old she is, where she is from, what state, or anything like that. I jut know that she had a daughter (me) 15 years ago, who she put up for adoption. So is it possible to loacate her???

yes it is possible but i also am trying to find my birth mother, it just will take some time and , i am also trying to find sites that dont charge, i have put my name on every adoption web site possible, see if any of your relatives can help, all on my adoptive side have been undermining my searches.
it will be harder for you , you have to be 18 in some states to open up information.

Why do you want to locate the person who gave you up?

Best wishes, sweetie, I'm sending wishes for complete success your way.

the adoption agency wont help you out go to them and ask