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Position:Home>Genealogy> Trying to search for margaret rose turnbull adopted in 1956 paisley?

Question:margaret rose turnbull born 5th november 1956 was adopted to paisley renfrishire she was born in glasgow and adopted from glasgow corperation

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: margaret rose turnbull born 5th november 1956 was adopted to paisley renfrishire she was born in glasgow and adopted from glasgow corperation

Not sure where you are coming from!
If Margaret was your daughter who was adopted, you can put yourself on record as being "willing to be found"; a Fostering and Adoptions Officer from Social Services will be able to explain the process.
Margaret may have registered herself as looking for her birth mother.
The chances are that her name was not only changed from Turmbull to the name of her adopted parents, but she may have changed it once or twice more by marriage.
Have you tried sending a letter to "The Readers' Letters Column" of the Paisley local newspaper (ask Google for "Paisley newspaper" for the address); asking if anyone knows Margaret's current whereabouts?
Or "Friends Reunited"?