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Question:How can I find my birth mother online without having to pay?I know her name is Annie hackney, but I don’t know how old she is, where she is from, what state, or anything like that. I jut know that she had a daughter (me) 15 years ago, who she put up for adoption. So is it possible to loacate her???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can I find my birth mother online without having to pay?I know her name is Annie hackney, but I don’t know how old she is, where she is from, what state, or anything like that. I jut know that she had a daughter (me) 15 years ago, who she put up for adoption. So is it possible to loacate her???

Since you know her name, is there someone who can supply you with a bit more info? She probably had you young, so she may be in her early 30's or so. That may give her a birth year right around 1977 or so. Is there such a thing in your area, known as a Catholic Charity, that accepts newborn babies for adoption? Since you are a minor, you need an adult to do some research for you in that respect. Try & type her name in. It's a start. I hope you find her, as it's important for an adopted child to know who their parents are or at least who their mother is. It's a natural curiosity & don't let anyone tell you any different. (I was adopted too, & found out about my parents from other relatives, later on in my life) Don't give up in your search. If someone (adult) is a member on, have then search there for your mother. It was there, that I found a name that was the same as my birth name & long story short, a woman was looking for her mother, who turned out to be the illigitimate daughter of one of my bilogical sisters. I helped my new found "niece" search for her roots, which lead back to me & my biological family. I call it a miracle because no one in the family knew she existed. (her mom, my oldest sister, passed away before her daughter, my niece, came into our family)

I would begin with looking at some places like Myspace or Facebook...Do you have your birth certificate? I am guessing not, otherwise there should be more info on there.