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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the last name ~~~~Palomino~~~~comes from...?

Question:I want to find out where my dad's side last name comes from cause i have my dad's side looks grandpa was adopted my a diffrent last name but Palomino is our blood last name..........

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to find out where my dad's side last name comes from cause i have my dad's side looks grandpa was adopted my a diffrent last name but Palomino is our blood last name..........

I thought it was Italian, but I wanted to be certain, so I googled it and came up with this webpage:

Since you are interested in the origin of a name, please beward of surname product peddlers, like coats of arms (misnomer family crest). Please see the link below:

House of Names has the following in fine print at the bottom of its page

"We encourage you to study the Palomino genealogy to find out if your descend from
someone on bore a particular family crest . . . . . . . . . No family, not even royal houses, can make sound claim to the right to bear arms unless a proven connection is established through attested genealogical records."

Ancestry.Com shows 12 immigrants name Palomino gave their place of origin as Spain and 2 as Italy.

It is Spanish from palomino 'squab' 'young pigeon' derivative of paloma 'dove'

This all I could find in connection with the name, its a very unusual name I think .
Spanish: from palomino ‘squab’, ‘young pigeon’, a derivative of paloma ‘dove’.
hope this helps.

I believe it is Italian.

palomino is Spanish. there are Palominos in Spain and all HispanoAmerica.