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Position:Home>Genealogy> Do cemeteries keep records of all people buried there?

Question:Some of the information on my Great Grandparents' headstone is unreadable. Mainly the dates, which i need.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Some of the information on my Great Grandparents' headstone is unreadable. Mainly the dates, which i need.

Contact the cemetery to see if they have the records. It is possible that they do. You can also look into getting a death certificate depending on when your Great-Grand parents died. These can usually be ordered from a state's vital records bureau. Some states, like Texas, have vital records online. You can also look to see if the cemetery records are online. Try Another possibility for you to try is the county genealogical society in the county where they died. Genealogical societies have long done cemetery surveys and they might have one for this cemetery that was done before the stone became unreadable.

Good luck!

Modern cemeteries keep records (your great grand parents would be considered modern); many ancient cemeteries have records also.

They do in the UK, the family history society for the area will also have records and photographs of some cemeteries in the area where the society is based.
Hope this helps.

Some do and some don't, the best thing to do is to look up the cemetery online or go to and look up their names to try to find the dates.

Most do yes. I have run across a couple where the caretaker burned all the records cause he was mad at the town council. So the best thing to do is contact the cemetery and ask if they have the records