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Question:my great grandfather was the Arquitect on the reconstruction of the taji ma hall in the 1870,s. i believe he worked for the east trading company.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my great grandfather was the Arquitect on the reconstruction of the taji ma hall in the 1870,s. i believe he worked for the east trading company.

Department of Archeology, Government of India is in-charge of all ancient and archaeological structures in India and they are expected to maintain archaeological museums. They are also expected to keep all records, data, documents pertaining to all important archaeological structures including Tajmahal.
You may get in touch with Archaeological department, in Agra City, where Tajmahal is located.
If your grand father was the architect, you can get all details from them.
all the best.

I doubt that you may get it easily if at all. This is because you need to deal with Archaeological Survey of India which is a government body.

The Archaeological Survey of India has the main function of exploring, excavating, conserving, protecting the monuments and sites of National ...

If he was an architect of the Taj Mahal, there will be all sorts of information on the project available to you, but is that what you want? Most people want more information about their ancestor and specifics on his life. The history of the Taj Mahal is extremely well documented; you wouldn't need to go through government bodies to learn about that. But if you want to find out more about your specific ancestor, you need to look in his homeland and search through the available records there.

Here is a link from PBS on the building of the Taj and it lists several of the 30+ architects working on the project by name. They come from all over the Ottoman Empire. If one of these was him, then we can go from there. If he isn't listed there, then share his name and hometown and we'll be happy to search with you for more information on him.

Try the sites below, hope this helps

Good luck and good hunting