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Position:Home>Genealogy> I researched my last name and found people in UZBEKISTAN with the same last name

Question:my last name is very uncommon
my parents told me i was hungarian
Does this mean I am actually UZBEKISTAN ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my last name is very uncommon
my parents told me i was hungarian
Does this mean I am actually UZBEKISTAN ?

Both Uzbekis and Hungarians share Mongol ancestry - 95% of all Hungarians are Magyar not Huns at all despite the country's name.

So you could well share a name with Uzbekis.

good chance. I would see if there are many Hungarians that immigrated to Uzbekistan at some point.


Well ya...what did you use to research it?

last names arent limited to just one country, so believe your parents - you may have ancestors from uzbekistan?

All depends on how many you are finding. I have an uncommon name, yet found it in China, Egypt and many other places. But I also was able to trace my ancestry to 1132 CE and my people came from Switzerland and Denmark. Two spelling changes, the last in 1690, though my last name often has a 't' added from the time of the Civil War to me, just so people will pronounce it right. Uzbekistan and Hungarian, I'm pretty good with both history and geaneology but highly likely your roots may also go to Mongolia or the near surrounding area. Hungary is where the army of Genghis Khan stopped and the Mongol had to return home to take care of some uprisings by other tribes. Genghis Khan died enroute from a fall from his horse. I use the name Genghis. Great man exceeded Alexander the Great. Misunderstood by most just what he really did. Conquered the world with an army of about 65,000. Talk of a lean mean fighting machine they beat an army of 2 million in Persia. Bring im back he'd handle Iran.