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Position:Home>Genealogy> Changing last name..?

Question:Im 15, in UK, without parent permission can i change my last name to anything I want, not legally, jus like, not for legal stuff, but could i say thats my last name, and then when im 16/18 get it done legally by deedpoll?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im 15, in UK, without parent permission can i change my last name to anything I want, not legally, jus like, not for legal stuff, but could i say thats my last name, and then when im 16/18 get it done legally by deedpoll?

Yes you can use any name you want to as long as it isn't for fraudulent reasons. You may run into difficulty though with your doctors and school because you are only 15 and it's not been done by deed poll.
Hope this helps.

official UK name changing service- check it out.

I don't know how it works there but in the US they have services much cheaper than lawyers (I paid $500) or you could get emancipated and do it now.

Anyone can use whatever name they like without a legal notice

If you want a legal notice you have to have permission from parents under the age of 17

You can call yourself what you like as long as you are not setting out to mislead people. You cannot enter into any form of legal agreement until you are 18, so the name you use doesn't have any particular legal significance. Once you're 18 you can change your name by deed poll and use the new one for all legal purposes.