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Position:Home>Genealogy> The best time to castrate cattle in Nov.and Dec.of, 2007.?

Question:Well your question fell in the genealogy category. I was looking to see if the had an Agriculture category but can't find anything.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well your question fell in the genealogy category. I was looking to see if the had an Agriculture category but can't find anything.

While there are one or two members of my family who should have been castrated, I think you have come to the wrong section.

My son's friend's father is a vet. He said that first, anyone with cattle should have a professional relationship with a large animal vet, and you can always ask your vet questions like that. Your county should have an Agricultural adviser, too.

Second, he said to pick a day you have lots of time and good light. Any Saturday that the folks were not going to come over would do. Stay away from Thanksgiving. unless you plan to have a special "Oyster" stuffing, and Christmas.

The automatic category picker makes mistakes every once in a while. You have to be careful.

You could have done worse. Over in one of the teen categories you would have been inundated by stupid answers from 15-year olds who normally wonder "Does he like me?"

<laughing my rear off> !!
Thank you for the laugh.
Questions get placed in supposedly appropriate categories. Some persons become irate if the question gets misplaced.. never sure why, no skin off their nose or other body parts. People can pass it by, or just be friendly and try to answer.
But yours does take the cake... falling into where we look for dead ancestors.
When it gets cold and you have a few spare minutes, I invite you to come back and chat with tracing your family.
Have a great day, hope you can laugh with the rest of us.

I didn't really know where your question should be, I have had a look around for something relating to your enquiry you might get a better response on the forum posted below,;_ylt=Ao...
sorry I didn't have a clue how to help with this one.