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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find out where a family member was born?

Question:I know his first and last name, but that is all. Are there internet sites that have free birth records? I only need to know the city.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know his first and last name, but that is all. Are there internet sites that have free birth records? I only need to know the city.

MOST genealogical sites are going to deal with persons assumed to be dead. Birth certificates and records are restricted to authorized persons, since they can be so misused for identity theft. There are a few individual places that have local indexes, however these are fast disappearing, and you have to know the location to begin with. Obviously, that defeats what you hope to find.
If you need personal details about someone living, your best route is using a private detective type site, which MAY or may not have access to what you want to find. Since this is what they do for a living, they will not be free.

Are you asking this question from the USA, if so you could use it may help.

Hm ... Try simply googling the first and last name or do a search engine run for online birth record data bases. For that you would probably need a birth date and one or both parents names to narrow down the search. Hope you get some results, other wise ask other family members that may know if nothing works. Good luck!

Try a name search in Google or AltaVista.
Then to your name search add delimiting terms like "genealogy' or "ancestry" or any other term that might relate to the person you are searching for.

You can try the great number of the free genealogy directories and data bases on the Internet.

A good site to go to, additionally, is

I hope that you find everything that you need.

zhou and guo