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Position:Home>Genealogy> Canaanite Haplogroups? Different than Jewish?

Question:Does anyone know what Haplogroups Canaanites' are and if they are different than Jewish Haplogroups?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know what Haplogroups Canaanites' are and if they are different than Jewish Haplogroups?

Since there is no large sample of Canaanite DNA (in fact, a little known fact is that there is no large sample of ANY historical population's DNA), then any identification of a haplogroup associated with Canaanites (or Jews) is of low confidence level. This is why when you get back an ancestral DNA report they use words such as your DNA "indicates" or you are most likely in the last 0 to 14 generations to have an ancestor from this region vice any other region.

What they don't tell you that in most cases, it is MUCH more probable that you have ancestors from the collective of all the other regions than the identified region.

[ok, let's have all the thumbs down]

Not all Canaanites were Hebrew. Many were Samaritans or of Egyptian descent. The Haplogroups do have genetic similarities by virtue of their immediate proximity and continued intermingling over many centuries. But they also have gross distinctions which make each unique.

I think that this question is a good one and food for thought. At the same time the answer to this question lies with the populations that utilize a need for the classification. Is a Jew a Jew and when is a Jew a Jew kind of thing. It's an answer that can only be answered by the Jews themselves or by educators with a need to explain academics.
