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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the furthest back you have searched your family tree?

Question:i feel like a slacker . . . lol

i've only gotten back to 1807, but that was all on my own starting cold from my grandparents names & i only started in March of this year & my family is freaking impossible. if they would stop changing names, it might be easier . . . {{{sighing}}}

~~~ morgannia

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i feel like a slacker . . . lol

i've only gotten back to 1807, but that was all on my own starting cold from my grandparents names & i only started in March of this year & my family is freaking impossible. if they would stop changing names, it might be easier . . . {{{sighing}}}

~~~ morgannia

A few of my lines link back into the various royal lines in Europe (most everybody has a few of those), so they can be traced back about 30-35 generations. The ones that I know with more certainty are well back into the 1300s.

I have only been able to trace mine back to the 15th century, but we have found some very interesting characters from all over the world who are a part of that tree. Our branches are teaming with "nuts".

I personally have traced many branches back into the mid 1600's. I have records on most braches until the late 1700's. One cousin, bless her, traced one line all the way back to 846 AD to Alfred the Great, the first official king of England. I wish I had the time to do all the digging, I would probably have more lines traced back further than 9 -12 generations.

1790 SC

Back to BC's but that is only on my Mom's Mom's Dad's side....I can barely get anything on anyone else! lol

Back to a Gallo-Roman senator in 875CE. Though that line starts to become suspect around 1750 CE :-} But it sure looks cool as an ancestor chart!

1140, but I cant take credit for that - my grandmother went to Ireland and researched it through the church.

mid 1500's so far.


1600's -- back to the Bacons.