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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are all British people related to the Queen in one way or another?

Question:I've read that all British people are related to the Queen in one way or another. I'm an American with British ancestry, and I know that I am related to the Queen, because we are both descended from Henry II. However, since there are so many millions of British people and people of British descent, I find it kind of hard to believe that ALL of them could be related to the Queen.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've read that all British people are related to the Queen in one way or another. I'm an American with British ancestry, and I know that I am related to the Queen, because we are both descended from Henry II. However, since there are so many millions of British people and people of British descent, I find it kind of hard to believe that ALL of them could be related to the Queen.

I'm related to her as well - like 30th cousins or something! Some of my lines go back to all the European royalty, and if you've done any work at all with that, you KNOW how convoluted it is. I agree - I think almost everybody has SOME of that back there somewhere, however, it's little enough that I don't imagine I'll get invited to tea any time soon, especially as I'm a nasty ol' American ;-)

I guess I should say, "hi" - cause you're probably my cousin too :-)

hey it all depends on how far you go back. This might be an excellent application for mitochondrial DNA!!

You still believe in fairy tales. In addition to all Brits you should add all Germans, since the Queen has 95 % German blood.

No, and we don't think Prince Harry is either.

The Queen is of mostly German descent, so the answer's no. (The Royal Family changed their name from Saxe Coburg Gotha to "Windsor" during WWI).


for some reason this question affends me--and im only 1/2 British--lol

Do you live in an enormous house? Do you have no worries about money? Do you have people waiting on you? Do you never have to do any work? If the answer to these questions is "no" you had better recheck your lineage!
99.99999999999% of British people have no link to the Queen's family whatsoever and would not expect to have one! That is why the Royal lineage is Royal. It totally excludes commoners.
I suggest you look up "David Icke" on Google LOL!

In response to the some of the answers above. Queen Elizabeth is 1/2 German. Her mother was 1/2 Scottish and 1/2 English. Queen Elizabeth married Phillip who though he was a Greek national, his family name was Battenburg. The deposed Greek royal family was German also. He changed it to Mountbatten, like his uncle, when he became a British citizen. After his father died, his mother became a Greek Orthodox Nun. If William ascend to the throne, he will be the most English monarch in centuries.

Though Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's consort, was of the house of Saxe Coburg Gotha, the family had been the House of Hanover and after WWI, they took the name Windsor.

The reason for so many royal houses becoming German is that Germany was not a unified nation until the mid to late 19th century. It was just a lot of small kingdoms and city states. That meant there were a lot of German princes to marry off to other European royalty.

The late Czar Nicholas and his family were German also.

However, you have to understand the English themselves are a nation of mutts. That is why the language is somewhat mongrelized. You have the same word that can mean something different according to how it is used in a sentence and often many words for the same thing.

Originally there was a Celtic people there. Then the Romans came and brought Latin. After that the Germanic Anglo,Saxons and Jutes came. Then the Danes. Then those tall dark French speaking Vikings called Normans. All these people have left their mark on the English language.

I might add in response to another's comments, that a person can be a direct descendant from royalty many generations down the line, but that doesn't mean they are royalty. A lot of people are directly descended from a royal house if you go back far enough.

You might be in her family tree, but not related. I have some famous people (Dr. Scholl, Johnny Depp, President Nixon, and others) in my family tree, but we are not blood related.