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Position:Home>Genealogy> If our ancestors came back today?

Question:What do you think would shock them the most?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What do you think would shock them the most?

As salaamu 'alaikym, my friend.

Insha'Allah, our ancestors would marvel at our technology and weep at our depravity and lack of moral values and understanding.

Depending upon what era they were from such things as cars, air flight, space flight, modern medicine, television, etc. would be almost unintelligible to them.

The state of our planet, pollution, the ways in which we wage war and how we neglect the most needy throughout the world would appall them.

Modern clothing and the trends in the same, along with the media and what it presents even to very young children would seem scandalous and unacceptable to them, as it should be to us.

Ma'a salaam.

Sillylou: that was interesting, thank you....reminds me of stories my grandparents used to tell me too... Report It

Zene Purrs ????'s Avatar Zene Purrs ????
Thanks Ibrahim: I do think they would especially be sad at all the depravity and immorality and would not want to be here because of it. I think they were happier back then...good old days as they used to say :) Report It

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  • John's Avatar by John
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    Speed of life, lack of courtesy, and the crap food.

    Probably all the new technology but also the abundance of food, even for the poor. Where I live even as late as 50 yrs. ago there weren't food stamps, welfare, food pantries, etc. & food cost so much more. It wasn't uncommon for a poor family to live on flour & water cakes most of the month or families to pool their funds & make large stew pots of mostly broth from a bone & a few veggies for all. Every single scrap was reused.

    In the 1920s a loaf of bread was 85 cents. I can go to Aldis & get one for 59 cents now. Milk was similar in price as now so it was often a luxury unless you had a milk cow. Dad said a bottle of beer in 1945 was a nickel on the army post & 25 cents anywhere else but he only made $15. twice a month as a pfc & had to send $10. of that home just so his widowed mother & youngest sisters had money for food. It was all the rest of the family could do to pay the rent. In fact food is part of the reason he never sent a penny to the Red Cross. They charged a quarter for a donut & nickel for a small cup of coffee in between battles where the USO provided sandwiches, donuts & coffee for free.

    For all the shame of a country that's been so blessed yet still has a huge problem with poverty & hunger it's still much better than could have ever been imagined then. Often then the churches would have pot luck a couple of times a week because almost their whole congregation was poor. So the church would provide the meat from the offering & each family would bring a casserole or veggie, etc.

    Boy, how things change.

    They would be just as disgusted with the stupidity of Generation (D)umb as I am.

    that we do not respect nor understand the earth's importance for future generations

    The revealing and suggestive clothes a lot of people wear. Being prudish was the norm back then; they thought any openness towards sex was evil. Then of course the technology would have them in awe, we may seem like gods to them, depending which set of ancestors and how far back they came, of course.

    They would think we were a bunch of spoiled brats.