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Position:Home>Genealogy> Sources for finding someone's birth parents?

Question:I recently discovered that I have an Uncle (my Dad's half-brother). He was always told that my grandfather was his father, but this uncle never physically met his father. I requested a birth certificate to find out the birth father's name, but was denied because only direct descendants and siblings have access to these. What are some other things I could check that would mention the birth parents? Thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I recently discovered that I have an Uncle (my Dad's half-brother). He was always told that my grandfather was his father, but this uncle never physically met his father. I requested a birth certificate to find out the birth father's name, but was denied because only direct descendants and siblings have access to these. What are some other things I could check that would mention the birth parents? Thanks in advance!

bless her heart... above poster isn't into genealogy, it seems.
I have to assume from the wording that this Uncle is living, so he would be the only person authorized to have the birth certificate.
The discreet question is whether your grandpa was married to the mother. If this was (maybe) an extramarital situation, I am not sure where you might find a public record of the relationship.
On the other hand, is it possible that this was from a first marriage that broke up before the child was born? You may be able to locate such a marriage record.
I work contrary to the first reply, but with some reservations... if you have reason to think the Uncle would be open to talking with you, you might think about sending him a short note... ie, I'm a grandchild of so and so, and I am wondering if you would be open to meeting me. And sign it "cordially". Gives him the chance to open the door or not, as he chooses.

get a social worker i fif that one

or honestly lie pretend to be someone else, honestly are you ready to open up certain doors>???

if your life is ok just let it go , some things are not knowing and cherish wat is around you and not what is behind the door

I would suggest you discretely ask your uncle and your father if you can pay for a DNA test for them to settle the issue one way or another.

If your uncle knows the man who raised them wasn't his father, then he likely knows who was - or it isn't on his birth certificate. BC's rely on the mother to give the information, and there is always the 1 in a million chance that the nurses put him in the wrong crib.

Otherwise you can look for your uncle's marriage record, but again this would be self reported. If you want to know, and they want to know DNA would be the way to go.

try talking to him or hire a private investigator to do the job for'll be costly but they always come up with good results. Or ask for forensic paternal test between ur uncle and ur grandfather to confirm the paternity. again it's costly but 100% sure to give a real genuine result.
good luck