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Position:Home>Genealogy> My sister's name is Ciere. She is 13 and she wants me to ask does her name e

Question:Does the name 'Ciere' Exsist? I am mostly asking Irish people seeing as it is a Irish Gaelic girls' name.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does the name 'Ciere' Exsist? I am mostly asking Irish people seeing as it is a Irish Gaelic girls' name.

I think it does as a variant of the name Ciara, which is an Irish girl's name, but tell your little sister that even if it didn't exist before, it does now that she has it, and it is such a beautiful name, she can be proud of it.

Well it could be a form of Ceri which means "to love" in Welsh. It comes from the name of the celtic goddess of poetry, Ceridwen.

Ooooooooooooo I LOVE that name. Ask your sister if I could use it in one of my stories. I think it's a variation of the Irish Gaelic name Ciara, or Ceara. But you know, that name is absolutely PERFECT for one of my characters, who used to be named Kiara, but that reminded me of the Lion King, so I was on a search for a new similar name....I've found it!

Check out this website, it's kind of cool.

Yep I've heard it before

Just found thousands of hits on a web search, mainly as a surname, might be a family name.

Never heard it before...pretty name!

This is a completely stupid question. If that is her name, then it exists! DUH!