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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can anyone please read this street name...thanks?

Question:This is from a 1901 census transcript.
I am particularly interested in the second entry but the first entry gives the name of the street.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is from a 1901 census transcript.
I am particularly interested in the second entry but the first entry gives the name of the street.
Thanks in advance.

40/- was £2.00 that was quite a high rent for a house in those days.

I remember my first rented flat in the 1960's, and that cost me £5.00 per week.

If you go to the link I have given you can see a picture of what the properties used to look like in Georgian times in Paradise Street. It was a very good address, as it is today. It was a walkway to the Courts of Sheffield. Today it has many solicitors offices, and estate agents. Paradise street now leads to Paradise Square apparently.

Paradise Street

28 paradise street
40 shillings per house

it looks like a rental payment slip

Paradise Street,sounds a nice street to live on.
Cant make it all out,but this is what i can read
4??-,Home do
Hope this helps!
Looks definately like Street to me.

defo paradise street

Looks like the second bit is 40 shillings per house then maybe an initial (Do)

Best guess at what it means....

Unit is definitely 28 Paradise Street

The second entry appears to be "401 - 1 home do"

If this were a tenement building, this could indicate that in Unit 401 of 28 Paradise Street contained 1 family (1 home) or that 1 person was home?. The "do" is standard recording abbreviation for "ditto" which was likely provided to indicate that this was still 28 Paradise Street.

It looks like -
28 Paradise Street.
4CT,/House do

As salaamu 'alaikym, my friend.

It reads, "28 Paradise Street", which is in Sheffield.

Ma'a salaam.

(Out of curiosity, why did you want or need to know this?)

The image reads
28 Paradise Street,
40/- do ( abbreviation for ditto)
I have calculated the 40 shillings in 1900 to be worth £102:71 today, so whether that was the rent-able value of the house per annum I don't know, it might well be. If it is the rent-able value of the house, there are 12 old pennies to the shilling working on that information that would make the rent per week to be about 91/2 pence per week. I think it was said 9pence ha-penny, something like that.

The link below is a currency converter, old money to new.
Hope this helps.

28 paradise street

As you say this is part of the census but in order to make proper sense of it, would have been helpful to see the coloumn next to the one you show.

It appears that the Census enumerator has made his own personal not about the cost of the home in the street. It is not part of the address. It does appear to say that each home is 40 shillings in that street. They were probably tenements.

Just an interesting fact and some of them did do this but not that often.

paradise sheet. that's used to be a cool street back in the day.

123 Anywhere Street