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Position:Home>Genealogy> What would the relationship be to a grandpa's brother's grandson?

Question:I think it would be like 2nd cousins or maybe even 3rd cousins, but I am just looking for some clarification on the subject.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it would be like 2nd cousins or maybe even 3rd cousins, but I am just looking for some clarification on the subject.

The way it works....

Find nearest common relative - in this case it would be your GREAT-Grandfather (father of grandpa and his brother).

Of the two people, find the closest to that common ancestor...this gives the cousin number which is the number of generations BETWEEN this person and the common ancestor.

In this case, BOTH are the same (father, grandfather), other person (his father, your grandfather's brother).

SO you are 2nd cousins (2 generations separating the closest person from the common relative)

Now to determine "removed", this is the DIFFERENCE in # generations between each person and the common this case it is (2 generations - 2 generations = 0 times removed) or just 2nd Cousins.

BUT, if this were your grandfather's brother's GREAT-grandson, then it would still be 2nd cousins (you are closest and only 2 generations between) but now it would be 3 generations (the great-granson) - 2 generations (you) = 1 times removed. So that would be 2nd cousins once removed.

But your relationship is 2nd cousin.

That wouldnt' be a second cousin to you, I don't even think thats a 3rd cousin to you lol could be wrong though...

2nd cousins.

grandpa & brother--their kids are 1st cousins (share a set of grandparents). The 1st cousins' kids are 2nd cousins (share gr-grandparents)

i think 2nd cousin. grandpa's brother--great uncle, their son--some sort of cousin.

second cousin once removed