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Question:anyone know about the last name emig or wiegner(wagner). any significance for these names?...trying to do genealogy and need to know fast, 10 points to first good answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: anyone know about the last name emig or wiegner(wagner). any significance for these names?...trying to do genealogy and need to know fast, 10 points to first good answer.

Emig: German: reduced form of Emmerich
Emmerich: 1. from a Germanic personal name composed of Old High German heim ‘home’, ‘house’ or amal ‘strength’ + rihhi ‘powerful’, ‘rich’.
2. habitational name from any of the places on the Lower Rhine named Emmerich

Wiegner: German: probably an occupational name for a scale maker, Middle High German wiger, or for a cradle maker, from an agent derivative of Middle High German wige, wiege ‘cradle’, ‘crib’.