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Estranged father has passed away?

How do I find out about life insurance??? If there is a will?? If he ever re-married?? I am at a total loss! It has been about 12 years since we have spoken....Where do I start??? Thanks so much! Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you are truly estranged it's not your business anymore! The best place to start would be the funeral home so you can find out what is going on. I'm guessing you're wanting to know if you are getting any money, right? That's what your question is saying. Well if there was a will and you were in it you would have been notified.

I'm sorry that you and your Dad were at odds but there isn't anything that will make up for that now.

I would drop it now so you don't end up hurting yourself and maybe cause problems if he has a new family. Like I said you'd be notified if there was anything in it for you. In the USA, the probate court in the county he was living in when he died will know if there was a will. His death certificate may have his (then) current spouse. His obituary may mention her and any children. I'd start with the court.

If he has a second wife, she will probably know about life insurance. Contacting her politely, without looking like a money-hungry hypocrite, will be the tough part.

It is probably almost the same in Canada, UK and Australia, even if they do talk funny. The names of the officials may be different. I'm really sorry about your dad. You're all in my prayers.

If there's a will and you're in it, the Probate Court will find you. There's nothing you need to do about it. Life insurance only comes into play if he listed you as a beneficiary. If you don't know that any exists, the only person who can look it up for you is the executor of the estate...again a function of the Probate Court. As for how he lived his life for the last 12 years, the answer about starting at the funeral home is a very good one. Go in early and talk to the funeral director. Explain your relationship with your dad and that you'd like to find out more about your dad's last years. Whoever chose the funeral home is probably the person who was closest to your dad. They'd also be the one who helped provide information for the obituary (a great place to find out if he remarried).