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This is to Windy C.?

I am sorry. I did not remove your answer. I don't know what happened. It was a good answer.

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11 hours ago
I asked for advice on how I can get the most of

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 11 hours ago
I asked for advice on how I can get the most of Having been here a while, I am FANATIC regarding guidelines, and pretty safe to say that I didn't violate any. Nor do I have any violation notice that I can respond to. I had not been aware of anything being removed, and would not have thought you did so anyway.
Messages being removed strictly because someone does not LIKE THE REPLY undermines the purpose of free discussion. I don't even recall my exact content, except to point out that there are many resources out there. If offering alternative sources to ancestry has now become a "violation", baby, we are ALL in big trouble.
It would absolutely become worthless over here, if trolls were able to remove anyone's answer just out of spite. This isn't an issue that applies to just me.
Since you felt the answer was valid and helpful... you can certainly send a note to the 'team' and let them know that you think answers are being removed with no valid cause.