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Do i have Aztec ancestors?

How do i know?? i have family that has lived in mexico city for the past 4 generations but thats as far as i can go back...thats all my family knows

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To find out more, you'd probably need to have a DNA test done. That would give you an idea of your genetic ancestors, but of course wouldn't tell you anything about your family tree in terms of specifics. and what makes u think that us, the people that aren't even related to u, are suppose to know this?
If you don't know, neither do we. Here is some background on Aztec historic topics.
With a friendly smile... genealogy is based on research, not on what your family might know/ not know. If we only worked with memory, none of us would get anywhere. The real question is whether there are reliable records to work with.
As a comparison.. some lines in Europe are traceable to 1066 or before, since they were nobility or well known historical figures. Other families were poor, and no one cared if they lived/ died and there are no records to find.
I also like as *the* place to find whatever resource you might want.. including beginning tutorials. Part also deals with locality based info, ie Hispanic or Mexican sources.
Your question intrigues me. Mentioning at least 4 generations in Mexico city.. but quite fluent in English? It would seem you probably have several different heritages. My comment, btw, is not critical in any way.. just observation.
I encourage you to pursue learning what might be out there. You never know... you MIGHT fall into one of those well established and documented lines that does go back to being Aztec. The only way to find out (and no, the DNA test won't give you a good answer) is to start tracking your family through parish sacramental records. One parish leads to the next and you keep going until you figure out where the original family lived. With patience, you should be able to go back to the mission days.