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Where can I find my coat of arms?

Or a family crest? I'm just curious :)

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2 days ago
last name is vincent

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 2 days ago
last name is vincent There is no such thing as a family crest.

See the links below one from the U.K. college of arms and the other from the U.S. National Genealogical Society

There are peddlers on the internet, in shopping malls, at airports and they advertise in magazines selling people coats of arms based solely on a surname. That is not valid.

We get questions like yours a lot. Recently there has been an upswing in questions re "family crest" or coats of arms. Unfortunately, there are teachers who apparently know nothing about genealogy who ask their student to find their "family crest" or coat of arms.

Now you might have one in your family tree
but you would have to do research to find it which might take a few years. That doesn't mean you, yourself, are entitled to it.

The Anglo Saxon people of the American South usually have more than one in their family trees. There are some people in the South that have the one their ancestor brought over from England 300-400 years ago. They don't display them. They can't pay any of their bills with them. Then there are those people who buy those tacky little plaques (walnut plaques as one of our poster called them) and have them on their den wall. Any genealogist visiting their home probably will laugh at them, silently of course to be polite.

Anytime you wish to trace your family tree, there are lots of good people on this board that can give you some great tips and advice. Just ask.

I'll get thumbs down for this because there are some people on this board that resent my telling people this. how many arms do you have? You can probably find it here if your family has Irish/British roots... Dude if you put it on the right way, they should be on the sides right beside your neck. as for the crest... check the bathroom where the toothbrushes are. lol jk There are innumerable websites that are dedicated to displaying or "selling" coats of arms / family crests.

Vincent is a derivation of the French "Vincennes" :

GOOD LUCK Have a look at the link posted below, just type your surname in the search bar on the left hand side and click search.
hope this helps.