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Position:Home>Genealogy> Could a member of the New England Genealogical Society look up a name for me?


Could a member of the New England Genealogical Society look up a name for me?

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5 days ago
His name was Belvin T. Williston.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 5 days ago
His name was Belvin T. Williston. I'd be happy to, but you left out the name and all of the identifying dates, places, etc. maybe you should give them the name the purpose here is to give ALL participants the equal opportunity to see what they can do with a question. I may well be able to find pages of info about your ancestor, without being a member of NEGS. If you are asking for a lookup only from members of that group, you are defeating the purpose here.
You might try reposting your question and provide the name of the person who you are trying to find more data on.