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Where can i find my family crest online. . .?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You need to understand that even if you find a crest for your surname, it may not be for your family. Crests are extremely specific, either for family's or individuals. While they are nice to show, they don't mean a thing with out the provenience.

Good luck and good hunting the studio catalogue in the uk, offer this service, just google it Have a look at the link posted below, this is where I collect all the thumbs down'
hope this helps. You could try but it will just be what they have associated with your name. If your family has a crest you'd need to contact the Royal College of Arms to have your claim verified. You will only have a crest if you are a direct decendant of a noble family, and I think you would be aware of it if you were, however, there are loads of sites where you can get ripped off with a fake coat of arms. Hi Wayne,

If your last name was "Miller" and there was a Miller county in Iowa, it wouldn't be the Miller family county. It would be the county named after Ebeneezer Miller, the man who stole it from the Indians. He might be related to you, and he might not. As long as you didn't brag about it to a true genealogist, you could probably claim it was named after one of your ancestors and no one would question you.

Crests and coats of arms were (are) given to individuals, not families. What you get, unless you go to the UK College of Heraldry and fork over a couple of thousand pounds, is a crest /CofA that was once given to someone with your surname. Might have been your 5th great uncle, might not.

If you can find a magazine advertisement for Land Rover, with a "By royal warrant, purveyor of motor cars to . . ." at the bottom, you'll see Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip all drive Land Rovers, and all have different coats of arms. They don't use the Windsor "Family" Coat of arms.

ItsJustMe gave you a good link, and if you never show your "family" crest to a genealogist, whatever you get there will be just fine.

We always cringe at family crest questions. If you had asked for an on-line astrologer to your love life ("I'm a Scorpio. Can I find true happiness with a Virgo?") some of us would give you and some of us would try to gently disabuse you of your notions. You cannot find your family crest anywhere because there is NO SUCH THING!