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Why do stupid and ignorant dumb people give you harsh answers?

every question i ask there are always people saying bad things

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, you have answered your own question with your question, some people are just stupid, dumb and ignorant. They can't give helpful answers, so they kill time being bullies. They probably would never say these things to your face because they are also cowards behind a keyboard. Do Not Let It Get Under Your Skin!!!! Be glad that you have more character than that. just like this? i no what you,there is just a lot of nasty people in this world. i don't know I think people are stressed today and seem to take it out on people on the net unfortunately. Do not take it personally. I find it hard on society and cultures as there are always racist people on there and it stresses me out. Yesterday I was so stressed till I sat down and said, this is a computer. You cannot change these people they have anger and they will not see the light so take my advice do not take it to heart. Beats me. some people are just plain nasty.
there have been a few times where i have written in general questions from the heart. and i get some real ignorant hateful answers. and i felt like a real plonker asking these questions knowing that people were gettin a laugh at my expense.

so now, when i write a question i just put in brackets. only serious answers please! altho this makes them want to put silly things in even more.

just bite your tongue, and keep a list of the names of the people that are writing ignorant answers in your questions for futurre reference. this is what i do, so when u see that they have a big heart felt question u can return the favour.

sometimes you have to be cruel in this place!

good luck we're just bored mate.
it's half the fun of yahoo answeres... Because you can't see them (invisible) and you won't really know who they are.
Some people are good all the time.
Some people are good when you are holding a gun to their heads. perhaps stupid, ignorant, dumb questions annoy them. they have lack of selfesteem and they compensate it by rudness and nose in the clouds and looking down to you attitude...think they are cool or think if they cant excell positively its always easy to excell by putting you off "harsh" what does it mean.
for example when someone say to u "stupid and ignorant dumb"
is it the meaning of "harsh".

if it is harsh "are u stupid and ignorant dumb" one

what do u think? I hate to generalize but it seems that people with relatively low IQs have a bad reputation for good reasons. They don't approve of learning, reading, considering, tempering their responses, following the golden rule or obeying a higher calling. They resonate with one thing, apparently....... that of hurting and being hurt....especially hurting. I think they secretly want to strike out (strike "back") at others they consider more powerful, but in lieu of that they will take it out on the innocent, on other species, on serious internet questioners and on those they can overpower through fair means or foul. Ecce homo! I hate that. All I want is an answer to my question, not an ignorant stupid person to comment.

I don't know there is too many harsh people in the world. Theyre just so ignorant and ( voice rumbles on) I believe there are people who behave differently when they are anonymous than they would if they aren't. I hope some do not deal with people face to face like they do on Yahoo Q & A.

You have to realize all of our questions on this board also fall on the Home Board of Yahoo Q & A. There are kids on their computers having fun and are answering questions randomly from the home board.

Also we have people on this board who get annoyed because questions that have nothing to do with genealogy fall on it. However, again that can be because people are asking questions from the Home Board of Yahoo Q & A and the Yahoo system picks out the category.