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Where are New Yorkers descended from?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Pretty much every country on Earth. What??? The devil I think most of the "Natives" are dutch. Then they had a large Irish population move in. Watch Gangs of new york. Older New Yorkers (usually).


Simple, but true. :-D Anywhere in the world. There were a lot of Europeans who emigrated to New York during the mide to late 19th century and early 20th century. The reason so many different cultures are present in New York is because that is where the ships landed at and they were too poor to move to the interior of the country, so they just stayed there. There was also a heavy Puerto Rican immigration to New York. Basically, New York is one of the most mixed cities in the country. New Yorkers can be from anywhere: England, Australia, Mexico, etc.
New Yorkers are people, and people have ancestors from all over, just like a lot of our ancestors traveled overseas to get here and Native Americans crossed over a long-gone land bridge.
It's like asking where people from Massachusetts come from. All over the world. As Ellis Island is there, immigrants from all over the world once came thru that port. The original New Yorkers were of Dutch and European descent. Or, if you want to go back from there a few years, the original New Yorkers were Native Americans, but then it wasn't called New York then, now was it? Back a few more years and you will find immigrants walking across the land bridge from Asia/Russia. Everywhere. They don't call it the melting pot for nothin'. I guess the "natives" are Dutch, since New York was originally called New Netherlands. But, the dutch didnt stay for many years, the english eventually kicked them out and made them forfit there land. But the Dutch had a strong impact on NY. For instance: Doughnouts, cookies, and other foods.

EDIT: Ellis island wasnt build for like 150 years form the point im talking about. New York is a melting pot of all the nations of the world, so basically, New Yorkers truly can call them selves children of the Earth. New York is probably the most ethnically mixed city on Earth. There is a law that bilingual classes will be held in any school where 12 or more kids speak some foreign language at home. I know of a Brooklyn school that has at least EIGHT bilingual classes, including Arabic, Urdu, and Russian.
There is a small Mohawk community. If you check, I think the last census showed New Yorkers who were born in or are first generation from at least 120 foreign countries.
Staten Island, which is the least cosmopolitan of the five boroughs, has ethnic restaurants run by natives of China, India, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Korea, Mongolia, Mexico, Egypt, Sri Lanka, and until recently had one from Morocco.