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****PLZ HELP**** What am I?

My mother was born and raised in Jamaica and my dad was born in Jamaica and raised in New York. I was born in New York and raised in Florida. Am I Jamaican too? When people ask me where am I from what am I supposed to say?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You are an American of Jamaican heritage. I have the same problem!! Just different nationallities!

I usually say whatever my parents are, its just much easier - Or i just say that i was born whereever but my parents are something else!

Best that i can think of =] my parents were born and raised in the USA; and yet they are Italian German Irish Hungarian Austrian from their parents, and that's what they go by.
that is also what i go by.
i am a proud Italian-Irish-German-Austrian-... loll! you are american of jamaican descent Your an American by rights and by law. U are a Jamaican raised in New York You are an American, but when people ask where you're from you can say "both my parents were born in Jamaica" Dear Sabrina,
So sad to hear of the confusion. I, personally, hate to be categorized by others and yet, there is good reason to be proud of your heritage, as long as you don't flaunt it in front of others inappropriately. If I were asked where I am from, I, jokingly, say, "From my mother and father." Pushed, I say I am American who has roots in Germany, Scotland and France. I really don't like the hyphenated titles like "African-American" unless one was born in Africa. If they were born in Africa and have become a U.S. citizen by birth or taking the steps to become a citizen then they are American-African, or, as in your case, you are American-Jamaican. Better still, You are American with Jamaican heritage.
Hope this helps. Most of all, just be you and true to yourself. That is most important.
Jim (omg, it's a little complicated, but here you have the answer)

Sabrina, please read your birth certificate. You'll find your right birth place written there. It is your "legal" place where you are from.

Based on your text, you're from New York because you were born there.
Your parents can get a new document from Jamaica (for you) so that you can be a Jamaican citizen as well. But you're from New York although you have raised in Florida. American of Jamaican heritage sweetie, I'm Irish with English heritage as my mother was English. but I just view myself as Irish as that is the country I was born in, occasionally, because I live in England I will say half English/half Irish, but I'll always elaborate and say I was born in Ireland and consider myself Irish.
Interestingly, according to Irish law, any children I have, where ever they're born will automatically get Irish citizenship, which I'm very happy about. Where do you call home, where is the one place that you feel happiest in, That's where you are from, Child of the Earth,

Be happy and be proud. there is an ABSOLUTE difference between a person's nationality (which is a legal/ jurisdictional term) and someone's heritage.
By being born in the US, your nationality is American. Or.. you are a citizen of this country. The same is true of many persons, whose heritage is German, Asian, Spanish, etc. Their parents were born elsewhere, their ancestry comes from elsewhere. They are legitimately of that background and culture. Just as you can claim Jamaican heritage, and be proud of it.
Apples and oranges. You are an American Citizen, which is your birth right since you were born on American soil. You say I am from Florida, but I was born in NY and you have Jamaican heritage, and your parents, if they have Jamaican heritage, then they are and came from Jamaica, if they were just born there then they are from Jamaica and their heritage is whatever. haha funny tell them that you're a "Jamerican" that's what we Jamaicans call y'all yuh dun kno hehe... it simply means that you were born up here and have Jamaican parents.... You tell people who ask that you are from Florida, and that you are of Jamaican hertiage.