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What is the name of the sister of Alexander the great.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Cleopatra (ca. 356 BC - 308 BC)

A daughter of Philip and Olympias, and sister of Alexander the Great, Cleopatra married Alexander, king of Epeirus, her maternal uncle. It was at the celebration of her nup-tials at Aegae in Macedonia, that Philip was murdered. Her husband died in 326 B.C.; and after the death of her brother, Alexander the Great, in 323 B.C. she was sought in marriage by several of his generals, who thought to strengthen their influence with the Macedonians by a connexion with the sister of Alexander.

She refused all these offers; and, anxious to escape from Sardis where she had been kept for years in a sort of honourable cap-tivity, she readily accepted proposals from Ptolemy; but, before she could accomplish her de-sign, she was assassinated by order of Antigonus. Cynane, half-sister by fathers first wife.
Thessalonica, half-sister by fathers third wife.
Cleopatra, full sister by fifth wife.